D's mother had been forced to work in the Red Light District from a young age. She had "D" while working. So "D" grew up within the district and has no idea who her human father is. She grew up moving around and with lots of different people because of her mother's line of work. She understood what her mom did and says she knew her mom did it to be able to provide for D.
Growing up D tried many religions. She thought if she did them all something would work. She said life was very sad and depressing. They did not have much money and rarely had food. She would make her mom pray to all the gods to hope food would come.
Her mom got very sick because of lack of food and her line of work. They did not have any money for a doctor. So D remembered that the men on the street had said they would give her money if she would dance for them. So she danced to get money to help her mom. Once she got the money she had to make a decision, food or doctor. She went to the doctor to get help. He told her that her mom was close to death. Thankfully the Lord spared her mom.
D learned about Bombay Teen Challenge (BTC) from some ladies on the street. She learned that she could go to school and have a safe living environment. She went and asked her mom if she could please join BTC. Her mom was hesitant because she thought she would never see D again, but she knew it would be best for D.
D joined BTC and shortly after gave her life to Christ. She has so much joy in the Lord. Her mom has also left the Red Light District, joined BTC and surrendered her heart to Christ. D is going to college and in the leadership training program with BTC. She desires to save other woman and children from the lifestyle she once lived. D's mom is gaining vocational training at BTC.
Seeing how God rescued D and her mom is amazing. I am looking forward to working with the women at BTC in 15 days. But I still can't do it alone. If you would like to get involved you can.
1. Please pray for us. There are 5 of us going to visit the ministry. Pray for safety traveling, physical health, and that we will know how to better advocate for the work they are doing.
2. I also need to raise $2,800 to be able to go on the trip. I still need $1700. If you would like to partner with me for this trip, click here.
Thank you for your prayers & support!