Dear Family and Friends,
Melvin and I would like to thank each of you for your encouragement, prayers, and support since we were married, seven months ago. We are so blessed to have amazing family and friends like you to come alongside us as we begin our life together.
Melvin and I wanted to let you know about an exciting opportunity we have this summer. Both of us will be headed to east India to serve one of the ministries we partner with at Advancing Native Missions called Bombay Teen Challenge.
Bombay Teen Challenge seeks to reach the broken outcasts of society in India, bringing hope, healing and restoration to lives that others deem worthless. BTC touches a variety of individuals, which includes victims of sexual trafficking, HIV-infected orphans, and substance abusers. Over the last 20 years BTC has worked diligently to rescue as well as rehabilitate the thousands of needy people living on the streets in Mumbai. These include young women trapped in sexual slavery in the red light district. Many of these victims are kidnapped from their families and villages and forced to work as prostitutes. BTC also serves these women’s children, who are highly vulnerable and at-risk of being caught in the same cycle of abuse and exploitation. Children and orphans who are HIV-infected, most of whom are abandoned to die with full-blown AIDS, are also rescued off the streets and cared for by BTC in their AIDS orphanage. If you would like to read more about Bombay Teen Challenge you can visit their website at www.bombayteenchallenge.org.
In 2008, I had the opportunity to travel with eight of the ladies that BTC has rescued from the red light district. And in 2009 I was a part of a team who visited BTC in Mumbai, India to see how we could help in the future. Being able to lead the trip this summer and implement some follow up from our trip in 2009 is very exciting. I will be traveling from June 28th – August 2nd. I have a total of 12 people who will be coming with me on the trip. There are two ladies who will be staying with me the whole five weeks, six ladies who will be staying June 28th – July 13th, and three ladies and Melvin will be joining us July 19th – August 2nd.
While there we will spend out first few days visiting the Red Light District to see the work BTC is doing and be able to spend time encouraging the staff that spends everyday reaching out to the ladies. The rest of our time will be at the compounds they have outside the city for those that have been rescued. While there we will be conducting English groups for the women, health groups for women and boys, and music classes.
Melvin and I are so excited to be able to take part in this opportunity together. I am so looking forward to sharing with Melvin the precious people who have new hope because of Bombay Teen Challenge and Melvin is really looking forward to spending time playing guitar with the boys.
Melvin and I would love for you to partner alongside us as we go and serve those at Bombay Teen Challenge. There are three main ways you can be a part of this trip.
· First, we need prayer support while we are gone. Please be praying for me, as I lead the team. Pray for the team’s safety, health, and that we will be able to be a blessing to the ministry.
· Second, We need financial support. For both Melvin and I to go we need to raise $7,000. If you would like to be a part of making this trip possible you can use the enclosed coupon. Or go to www.adnamis.org/contribute. Then in project click "India:Mumbai/Chennai T031." Enter the Sum you would like to contribute. In the comments box put, Donation Towards Melvin and Trisha Anderson's Trip.
· Third, we are taking items to give to the young kids, teenager (both girls and boys), and the women at the compounds. We need small items like stickers, matchbox cars, lip gloss, travel lotions, etc. If you have items you would like to donate contact us and we will figure out a way to get them from you.
Melvin and I would like to THANK YOU again for taking the time to read the letter and for praying. Please let us know if you have any questions. You can also follow our trip on my blog at www.trishaslifeontheroad.blogspot.com.
With Much Greatfulness,
Melvin and Trish Anderson
"Bombay Teen Challenge seeks to reach the broken outcasts of society in India, bringing hope, healing and restoration to lives that others deem worthless. BTC touches a variety of individuals which includes victims of sexual trafficking, HIV-infected orphans, and substance abusers.
Since 1990, Bombay Teen Challenge has worked diligently to rescue as well as rehabilitate the thousands of needy people living on the streets in Mumbai. These include young women trapped in sexual slavery in the red light district. Many of these victims are kidnapped from their families and villages and forced to work as prostitutes. BTC also serves these women’s children, who are highly vulnerable and at-risk of being caught in the same cycle of abuse and exploitation. Children and orphans who are HIV-infected, most of whom are abandoned to die with full-blown AIDS, are also rescued off the streets and cared for by BTC in their AIDS orphanage. Finally, BTC assists and rehabilitates the many young men and boys who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and living in poverty conditions on the streets of the city.
Bombay Teen Challenge is more than an organization – it becomes a family for these individuals, a safe place to grow and heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. Individuals who have been rejected by their own families are able to form relationships that are enduring and life-changing, giving them the emotional security they need, as well as teaching them important skills to help reintegrate them into society and escape the destructive cycle of their past. BTC makes a real difference in the broken lives of those it touches."
Mel and Tri are so excited to get involved in the work BTC is doing to help restore broken hearts and lives. With Mel and Tri's big hearts they hope to bring many smiles to faces they come across.
Thank you to those who have partnered with Mel and Tri to be a part of their trip to BTC. It means so much to them. Know that every person who gets involved is a part of the trip too. Mel and Tri need more people to partner with them as they go on this great adventure. If you want to be a part of affecting lives you can partner with Mel and Tri two ways.