Mel will be leaving with Trisha and her team on Tuesday, June 28th for Mumbai, India.
As posted earlier, Mel will be a part of a team that is going to minister alongside the staff at Bombay Teen Challenge. Read more about BTC in earlier posts.
Mel and Trisha are excited to be ministering alongside some really amazing people, who love the Lord.
Tri and Melvin will be joining Mel and Trisha in India on July 19th.
Please be praying for the team, for safe travels and that they would be a blessing to those they are serving.
Also, we need to still raise some funds to be able to minister to those at Bombay Teen Challenge. If you would like to be a part of this trip go to www.adnamis.org/contribute.Then in project click "India:Mumbai/Chennai T031." Enter the Sum you would like to contribute. In the comments box put, Donation Towards Melvin and Trisha Anderson's Trip.
We would love for you to be a part of the trip. Thank you for your prayers and support!
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